Phoenix Wellness Coaching Podcast
Women's Life Choices, presenting Real Women and Real Stories. Introducing a series of conversations with women exploring how the pitoval moments in their lives from becoming a mum, to returning to work, to the menopause etc have shaped the decisions they have made.
Phoenix Wellness Coaching Podcast
Exploring the link between a woman's life choices and her career
Season 1
Episode 4
Welcome to the fourth episode in the Phoenix Wellness Coaching Podcast series. In this episode we explore the link between a woman's life choices and her career. We talk to Lorraine, a primary school teacher and working mum, about how deciding to become a mum impacted and changed her career choices. We explore how this pivotal moment cabn change a woman's entire outlook on her life and her career - do you decide to become a stay-at-home full time mum, or do you return to the workplace where you can find yourself working part-time and below you capability level as you try to balance being a mum and having a career. Lorraine talks about her journey and how she overcame her own self-limiting beliefs and her "mummy guilt" to succeed.